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ShivaKambo and the quest for freedom

February 11, 2023

ShivaKambo and the quest for freedom

The quest for freedom is a universal human desire. Ancient wisdom at ShivaKambo, offers a path towards true freedom by understanding the nature of reality and the self. Through self-inquiry and the realization of non-duality, we can transcend the ego and the limitations it imposes on our lives. In this blog, we will explore the teachings with ShivaKambo and how they can guide us on the journey towards true freedom. From understanding the illusion of the ego to the realization of our true nature, ShivaKambo offers a powerful tool for personal growth and liberation.

One of the key principles of ShivaKambo is the understanding that the self and the universe are not separate entities, but rather one non-dual reality. This realization is known as "Advaita" or "non-duality." By understanding that the ego, or the individual self, is an illusion, we can begin to see through the veil of separation and experience true freedom. This freedom is not limited to just our thoughts and emotions, but extends to all aspects of our lives, including our relationships, work, and daily activities.

Self-inquiry is a crucial aspect at ShivaKambo and is the practice of questioning our assumptions and beliefs about ourselves and the world around us. By asking "who am I?" and "what is the nature of reality?" we can begin to understand the true nature of the self and the universe. Through this process, we can come to realize that the self is not the ego, but rather the pure consciousness that underlies all existence. Beyond the theory.

Silent Immersion moments, led by Advaita Zen Master Thomas, offer an opportunity to delve deeper into the principles of ShivaKambo and the power of self-inquiry. Sitting in silence, we can let go of the distractions of the world and focus on the present moment, allowing the mind to quiet and the truth to reveal itself. This is a powerful tool for self-discovery and can lead to a deeper understanding of the self and the nature of reality.

In addition to the Silent Immersion moments, Thomas also offers one-on-one video calls, one-on-one silent retreat, and other resources to support sincere seekers on their journey towards liberation. Whether you are new here at ShivaKambo or have been studying for years, there is always more depth possible.