Transcending the ego: An introduction with ShivaKambo

Transcending the ego An introduction to self-realization

Transcending the ego is a fundamental concept at ShivaKambo, a spiritual philosophy that teaches individuals to connect with their true nature and understand the ultimate reality. The ego, also known as the "I" or "me" that we identify with, is a key aspect of the human experience that often obscures our understanding of ourselves and the world around us. In this blog post, we will explore the concept of transcending the ego.

The first thing to understand about the ego is that it is not a single entity, but rather a collection of thoughts, beliefs, and experiences that we have accumulated over time. These thoughts and beliefs create a sense of separation between ourselves and the world around us, and they are responsible for much of the suffering we experience in life.

Ancient wisdom teaches that the ultimate reality, or the true self, is not the ego but something beyond it. It is the unchanging and eternal aspect of ourselves that is always present but obscured by the ego. The goal of ShivaKambo is to realize this true self, and this is achieved by transcending the ego.

Transcending the ego is a process of shedding the layers of thoughts, beliefs, and experiences that obscure our understanding of ourselves and the world. This process can be supported by a self-realized master.

It is important to note that transcending the ego is not about eliminating it or suppressing it, but rather understanding it and seeing it for what it is. When we understand the ego, we can see through its illusions and be free of it.

In conclusion, Ancient wisdom teaches that the ultimate reality is not the ego but something beyond it, and the goal is to realize this true self. Transcending the ego is a process of shedding the layers of thoughts, beliefs, and experiences that obscure our understanding of ourselves and the world. It's a process of understanding the ego and seeing through its illusions to understand the ultimate reality. Remember, it's not about eliminating or suppressing the ego, but understanding it for what it is.