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  • Short biography of Thomas








    Thomas, born in November 1987, is an Advaita Zen Master who has been deeply touched by self-discovery and enlightenment since a young age. He questioned the meaning of life and the nature of existence around the age of 10, asking himself profound questions such as 'who am I', 'what am I doing here', 'from where do I come', and 'who is watching through these eyes'.




    On a later age, Thomas came in contact with meditation through Barry Long. This was his first experience with meditation and under Barry Long his guided meditation, he had a profound experience of stillness and bliss. This sparked a deep desire for enlightenment within him. It still took several years of intense self-reflection and discipline for Thomas to fully live life out of the knowledge of truth.




    These ancient teachings are rooted in the experience that true liberation and freedom can be found through the realization of our true nature as pure consciousness.  




    Through the Silent Immersion moments, individuals can train to keep their attention in the sense and intuitive feeling of 'I exist' and return eventually to what truly is.



  • Ancient Wisdom and Philosophy at ShivaKambo


    ShivaKambo teaches a non-dualistic philosophy and spiritual tradition that originated in ancient India. The word "Advaita" means "not two" or "non-dual" and refers to the seeing that ultimately, there is no separation between the individual self and the ultimate reality.



    The teachings of ShivaKambo are based on the result of a collection of ancient texts that form the foundation of the philosophical tradition. The ancient texts describe the ultimate reality as being beyond the physical world, beyond the mind and beyond the ego.
    They teach that the ultimate reality is one, unchanging, and eternal and that it is the same as the innermost essence of the individual self.



    ShivaKambo teaches that the individual self, or Atman, is identical to the ultimate reality, or Brahman. The illusion of separation between the individual self and the ultimate reality is caused by Avidya, or ignorance. Avidya is the belief that the individual self is separate from the ultimate reality and that the world is real and independent of the self.


    The goal of ShivaKambo is to overcome Avidya and to realize the true nature of the individual self as being identical to the ultimate reality. This is referred to as Self-Realization or Moksha. The path to Self-Realization involves the study and practice of spiritual disciplines such as meditation, self-inquiry, and the study of spiritual texts.


    ShivaKambo also teaches that the ultimate reality is not only the highest reality but also the ultimate goal of human life, which is to be realized by individuals. The ultimate goal of ShivaKambo is to help individuals to reach a state of spiritual liberation, where they can experience the ultimate reality, and find inner peace, fulfillment and freedom.